Leveling up your links

Jesse Zhang
Chief Product officer
You might be wondering what all the other icons in each link component on your Links tab represents. You can tap on each to modify your link a different way!

Starting from the left,

  • the lightning icon allows you to change link into a smart link. When visitors come to your Beacons page, they will automatically get forwarded to this one selected link for the scheduled time period. Read more about smart links here
  • the clock icon is a link scheduler, which launches a link on your page for a specific time interval. See below for more tips on link scheduling. Setting up a schedule is as easy as
  • the flare icon lets you animate the link
  • the image icon lets you set an image thumbnail for the link, for example a logo
Setting an image thumbnail for a link.
Setting an image thumbnail for a link.
Link with set image thumbnail.
Link with set image thumbnail.
  • the trash icon lets you delete the link completely

Tips for link scheduling

  • Synchronize your link schedules with posts on your other social media profiles.
  • Link schedules can also be used to for limited-time offers or new releases
  • If you don't set a start time, your smart link will go into effect immediately.
  • If you don't set an end time, your link will permanently stay smart.

Read these next

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